In the end, the current conditions of the Ocean Freight market are due to a combination of multiple factors that have collided to make the perfect storm. We don’t know a lot, but we can act on what we do know. Ocean Freight rates aren’t getting any lower, and the factors contributing to their rise don’t seem to be going away either.
However, we at Veritas Global understand that knowledge is power. Knowing the facts can help us succeed in this increasingly hostile climate. Our goal is you. In choosing Veritas Global’s Ocean Freight import or export services, you are choosing reliability and stability in this world of uncertainty. We hope we can lend a hand where it is needed.
For Ocean export or import inquiries, please fill out our rate request form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We also offer services via air and truck, as well as specialty services to solve your complex shipping needs. Please see our “services” page for more information on how we can best serve you!
The Veritas Team
*Sources obtained from CNN, Logistics YouTuber, Ship-Technology, Flex Port, The Online Citizen, and Reuters.*